Mrs. Campagna's Class

A mind is like a parachute, it only works when open. -Frank Zappa

Baby Evelyn at 3 Months!

Hi Students!  It certainly has been a long time since I have checked in with you. I hope that your 2015 ended with lots of fun and learning and that you came back to school in 2016 ready to go!  I think about you all the time and often check in with Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Petro and Mrs. Balewski to see how you all are doing.  I was so excited to see Reagan at church last Sunday!! I thought I would post a few photographs for you of Baby Evelyn. She has gotten so big!!

Here she is at one month:


Two months:


Three months:

DSCN0311 DSCN0317

Now, at three months she can grab her toys and hold on to them and she is smiling and making lots of “talking” noises! We are waiting excitedly for her first giggle which should happen soon! She can now hold her head up very well, but can’t sit up on her own yet. She is such a happy little baby Mr. Russ and I are so thankful that you all were willing to share me so that I could spend this time with her at home! 🙂

I know you are all so busy with learning and I don’t want to interrupt your day, but we will find a day to come in and visit soon.  I hope you all are working hard and being your best (not that I have any doubts about that!).  I can’t wait to see you all soon!

Mrs. C.



Meet Baby Campagna!

Hello Friends! I’m sorry I have not posted sooner! It has been a very busy week 🙂 Our baby girl, Evelyn Lia Campagna was born Tuesday November 10th at 11:17 a.m. ! ( She finally has a name ! Ha! 🙂 we call her Baby Evie for short. She is very healthy and happy and Mr.Russ and I are so thrilled! She has tons of hair and is so tiny ! She can not wait to meet you all! We will come in soon to visit.
It is such a relief to know that you are such a wonderful , hard-working and kind class and that you are in such good hands with Mrs.Thomas. You know that I miss you all and miss learning with you but you are going to have a great rest of your year! I’ll be checking the blog often once we get into a routine with Baby Evie. Keep working hard and being your best!






Using Google Classroom

Today our class learned how to use Google Classroom !  We had a great time learning how to log in, answering a Science question and learning how to create an assignment in Google Docs straight from our Google Classroom site.

Our first assignment was to write a fantasy story based on the book Scarecrow Pete by Mark Moulton.

peteIn Scarecrow Pete, the two main characters become friends and the author does a beautiful job  of describing the setting, problem and solution.  I wonder if my students remember why Mrs. Campagna loves this book so much ?  Comment below if you think you know!  It has something to do with the lesson the boy character learns 🙂

We practiced our typing and our fantasy writing skills as each student worked diligently to write their stories.  Soon we will learn how to submit or turn in our assignments!

If you have read this story and remember the lesson, don’t forget to comment below !

If you are working on your first assignment here is reminder of how to log in:

1. Go to Google Chrome

2. Log in with your school email

3. Visit the site

4. Click on Mrs. Campagna’s Class!

Have fun!



Blogging Challenge #5 : Food and Culture

One of the most wonderful things about blogging with Edublogs is the Student Blogging Challenge and the opportunity it has presented for connecting with students from other countries.  We want to learn as much as possible about these other students!  This week’s blogging challenge centers around food- yum!  Specifically food that is special to our community or country.  Click on this link to learn about two foods that you might see in Australia.   These are foods that we don’t have here in the U.S.! 

Here are your two tasks  for this week:

Activity 1:

Create a survey in Google Drive (use your school email address to log in to

Try to make your survey at least 3 questions!  This survey should be to collect information from your visitors about what kind of food they eat or how their food is different from the food that we eat.  We will talk more about this in class on Wednesday!

Activity 2: 

Write a post about foods that you like to eat.  Remember that the goal this week is to improve our writing and that we expect a good juicy post with a topic sentence, at least 5 details and a closing sentence.  


I encourage you to visit the list of student blogs here and see if they have created surveys or written posts about foods that they like!  You may get some new ideas or make some connections!! We can’t wait to see what you have to say  .


Halloween Festivities!

Today we had our annual Halloween Parade and Party. The costumes were fun and fantastic and there were treats galore! Thank you so much to our room parents for all the creative ideas and organization ! Thank you to all the families who donated items to share! Check out just a few of the photos below!


















Scientific Observations

This week we are  beginning our first Science unit. One important aspect of being a scientist is to be observant.

How observant do you think you are? We will be learning this week about how important it is to be observant during Science so that we can pay close attention to changes during an experiment. Try these with your family and friends at home! Remember, only give them about 2 minutes to view the FedEx truck, and only about a minute to count the F’s in the last picture. Good luck! (See the first comment to find the answers!)

Try to find the hidden arrow on the FedEx truck in 2 minutes!

Can you locate the arrow on the FedEx truck? Only give yourself 2 minutes to try to find it !

How many F's can you find in 1 minute?

How many “f”s do you see here? Give yourself 1 minute to try this one!

Can you find the hidden tiger in this image?

Do you see the hidden tiger…. keep looking!!! It is in there. 🙂

Thanks to for such a neat activity idea!


Blogging Challenge 4! Creativity!

We have learned so much already through our blogs! This week is your chance to get a little creative! Read the post at this link . Choose one activity to complete. If you don’t celebrate Halloween, maybe you can choose a different holiday to blog about or complete the activities about! I can’t wait to see your ideas!

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Blogging Challenge #3! Adding Images




My new laptop: Black Asus EEE PC Nathanael Coyne via Compfight

Think back to when Mrs. Martin visited our class. Do you remember what she said about adding images to your blogs?  She emphasized that adding images to your blogs makes them 80% more likely to be read!! Wow!

This week’s blogging challenge centers around safely and responsibly adding images to your blog.  What do you think I mean by safely and responsibly?

By safely , I mean that you need to be adding images that do not reveal any personal information about you that is not safe to share on the web.

By responsibly  I mean two things: 1) That you are not sharing any images of people who may not want their images shown and that you are generally being kind and conscientious to those you may blog about.  2) That you are sharing images that are ALLOWED to be shared.

Let’s talk more about that!

One way we are going to learn to share images responsibly is to understand that not all images shown on the internet are yours to use for free! We learned about this in Digital Passport also!

This week, we added the PLUGIN “Compfight” to our blogs so that we can try to use these plugin to add images responsibly. 

Use this plugin to help you complete your challenge for this week. The other option is to add your own personal images.

Now, for the challenge!  There are two parts!!!

Part 1: Choose one of the two options below to blog about:

Write a post about a favorite time with your family.

Include an image using the COMPFIGHT plugin or a personal image from home.  If using an actual image of your own family, you need permission from your parents and everyone shown in the image. Make sure you mention in the post that you have permission to use this and that it is copyright to your family so no one else may use it without your family’s permission.

Write a post about your parents or grandparents

You could interview your parents or grandparents and find out more about their life growing up- maybe even as a 3rd grader!   Find an image of something that was happening in the world during that person’s lifetime. Remember to give credit!


Part 2: Widget Crazy!

I know many of us have gone crazy with our widgets. Check out this post with a list of 42 different widgets!  Try to add a new widget on your blog (Mrs. C. can help you do this!)  and write a post about it! 



“She in the Cle’s” Mrs. Martin Visits Room 815!

mrs martin and classToday we had a very special visitor come to our classroom!  Mrs. Martin from She in the Cle, a Cleveland blog inspired by women and contributed to by women came to our classroom to speak about the power of blogging, blogging inspiration and ways we can become stronger bloggers.  We learned so much!

Some of the ideas that Mrs. Martin shared and that we discussed after she left where about 3 ways or reasons people blog. She said that people blog about:

1. something they know a great deal about and want to share that information with the world

2. Something they are passionate about (whether it is something they love or don’t love)

3. Something they want to change

She told us many ways that she gathers inspiration for her blog posts, and let us know that she reads up to 70 blogs a day!! She also spends about 2 hours a day working on her blog. We had a good discussion about how if we want to improve in anything we have to practice and in blogging this means visiting other blogs and working hard on ours!

Mrs. Martin also talked about the importance of adding a “Call to Action” to your blogs. This means asking your readers to do something or think deeply about what you have said in your post.  Remember that bloggers can inspire others and can change they way people view new ideas!

Mrs. Martin picture one Mrs. Martin picture two

Mrs. Martin told us some really neat facts such as adding images to your blog makes people 80% more likely to read it and that lists are one of the most widely read topics on blogs (I never knew this!).

We talked about how words are POWERFUL and that with that POWER comes a great RESPONSIBILTY .   I would love to see some comments below about what you think this means. What does it mean that words are powerful? What does it mean that we have a responsibility when we are blogging?  Comment below with your ideas!

Also, visit these student blogs to see what they had to say about Mrs. Martin’s visit (more to come later!) :





Blogging Challenge 2: Commenting!


One of the first things we learned about in blogging was how to write quality comments. We are still practicing writing strong comments !  Here are some guidelines that we discussed about writing strong comments:

  • Use a friendly letter format (greeting, body, closing)
  • Read the post carefully before you comment.
  • Add some new information or make a connection to what the blogger is talking about!
  • give a compliment!
  • Ask questions to keep the conversation going!
  • Check your comment before you publish it for C.U.P.S.

Every time you write a comment, try to include these elements!

For our 2nd Blogging Challenge, your task has 2 parts. Follow along carefully to complete the WHOLE  challenge!

Part One:

1. Follow this link to see the list of other students participating in the Student Blogging Challenge.

2. Find 3 people that you have something in common with and comment on their blogs!

3. Remember to add your blog address (URL) to the end of your comment so that your new friend can reply to the comment you made by visiting YOUR blog!  For example, I would add  after the closing of my comment.


Dear Student,

What a nice job you did on your post! I loved the way you checked for CUPS! I wonder what you did after this event? I can’t wait to hear more!

Mrs. C.

Part Two:

Write a post on your blog about how to write good comments!  Please title this post: “Blogging Challenge 2: Comments” so that I can easily find it! 




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