Mrs. Campagna's Class

A mind is like a parachute, it only works when open. -Frank Zappa

All About Bank Day!

This is Matthew, Isabelle , and Braeden,

and this is are first guest blogging. We decided to write about bank day! Bank day is just like what would happen in the real world.  The police officers record fines and the bankers give bonus bucks. Our first bank day was tons of fun and almost everybody had enough money to pay there desk rent. We have a school store and it is a week after bank day. This is Isabelle, in all in bonus bucks  I had $200. To buy you desk it is  $1,300.  I do not like fines! Some people didn’t have any fines. We as a class work together to find how much bonus bucks or fines people have. I am a police officer so I record fines. Bankers record bonus bucks. This is braeden now like we said mostly everyone got enough money for their desk. But some didn’t have enough money for their  desk but they still could because they did work. Bank day overall was fun even if some people did not have enough money.

team effort,

Izzy, Braeden, and Matthew













Student Survey

Hello Students!

We have been working so hard in Room 815 and I am curious as to how you think it is going so far! As you know, I have high expectations for you and I hope that you have high expectations for me.  In order to make Room 815 extra special, it is important that we all work very hard to meet those expectations.

I have created a short survey for you to complete.  Please be honest! We will look at the results in class, although no one’s name will be shown with their answers.  Click on the link below to go to the survey. Have fun!


Mrs. Campagna


Rock Star Chart

Hi this is Natalie, Jana and Rafy.  This is our first guest blogging  post. The rock star chart is if you are good you get to move up to good if you move up again you go to great. If you move up  again you go to excellent and get five bounces bucks. If you move up again you go to rock star party. If you get rock star Mrs.Campagna calls your parents to tell them you were being good and made rock star. Also, you get fifteen bonus bucks. You also get a ticket for the raffle at the rock star party. Also,you get special treats to eat. probably cupcakes mmm I love cupcakes. If every day you get at least great you can go to fantastic fun Friday. Fantastic fun Friday is if you get great every day of the week and on Friday you get to play a game.If you want to make Rock Star you should rase your hand and you should prticapate in class.




Our First Bank Day and Our First Rock Star Party!

Well Friday was a busy day in Room 815! We had our first Rock Star Party( I will let our guest bloggers next week talk about how the Rock Star Chart works!). This month’s theme was cupcake decorating!! See the photos below of our first group of Rock Stars decorating away!

Friday was also our first Bank Day. This was so exciting for the students to be able to see the results of all of their hard work for the month of September. All month long the students have been earning Bonus Bucks by going above and beyond in our classroom. They practiced their multi-digit addition and multi-digit subtraction all while learning how to record and balance a check book! Wow! We even learned how to write checks and practiced signing our names in cursive. I was very impressed by how responsible and respectful the students were. Each student was supportive of their classmates and I saw many students help others work through the process of their first Bank Day. Special thanks to Mr. And Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Nabakowski, and Mr. Mieyal who were a great help! I can’t wait for next month and all of the interesting and inspiring conversations we will have about hard work, saving and spending! Way to go Room 815!








About The Penderwicks

This is Caleb and Noah. This is our first guest blogging post. In the book The Penderwicks there are four daughters, a dad, and a dog in the Penderwick family. The daughters names are Batty, she is the youngest and has the most imagination, Skye, is the only one that has blue eyes and blonde hair, Jane, is the most polite one and last but not least Rosalind, she is the oldest. Hound is the Penderwicks pet. The Penderwicks went to Mrs. Tiftons Cottage called Arundel Hall. Mrs. Tifton has one son named Jeffery and one worker named Cagney Mrs. Tifton is super mean. Skye bumped into Jeffery and said some really mean  and rude things about Mrs. Tifton. Skye said “Isn’t Mrs. Tifton really snooty and mean? Jeffery was really offended when Skye said the mean things about Mrs. Tifton. Skye is HORRIBLE at baking. Jane went to go apologize to Jeffery & she left Skye all alone at the cottage making cookies. Skye left the oven on broil and went to do her homework. When Jeffery and Jane got home there was smoke in the kitchen. Mr. Penderwick was doing his work and batty was playing fairy with Hound. Cagney, Mr.Penderwick, and Rosalind were putting out the fire while Batty, Jeffery, and Jane went to a garden with a bull in it. Batty went inside the garden and started picking the bulls daisys. Batty screamed and when Batty was screaming the bull was starting to chase Batty. Jane and Jeffery were trying to distract the bull and save Batty. The bull was charging at Batty but before the bull could hit Batty Skye grabbed Batty. Who is Mrs. Tifton? Explain your answer with C.U.P.S.


Noah and Caleb

Have fun reading!!



About Call it Courage

This is Mackenzie and  Danielle writing our first guest blogging  post.We are going to write a summary about Call it Courage.In the book Call it Courage first Mafatu was very afraid of the sea because that is how his mom died. Mafatu lives on a island called Hikeru it is really small not a lot of people live there. For 12 years Mafatu was treated with not a lot of respect. He felt sad because he was thinking that he wasn’t important to the land. He decided to leave to a different island  until he proved himself right. He ended up at a island that had people who wanted to kill him the Eaters of Men. He found a spear and knife and he killed a wild bore. He got the wild bore’s tooth. Then he killed the tiger shark and then a octopus. He dived into the water to save yuri. Answer this question did Mafatu ever get back to Hikeru and explain your answer?


    Mackenzie and Danielle





Science Observations 2015

This week we are  beginning our first Science unit. One important aspect of being a scientist is to be observant.

How observant do you think you are? We will be learning this week about how important it is to be observant during Science so that we can pay close attention to changes during an experiment. Try these with your family and friends at home! Remember, only give them about 2 minutes to view the FedEx truck, and only about a minute to count the F’s in the last picture. Good luck! (See the first comment to find the answers!)

Try to find the hidden arrow on the FedEx truck in 2 minutes!

Can you locate the arrow on the FedEx truck? Only give yourself 2 minutes to try to find it !

How many F's can you find in 1 minute?

How many “f”s do you see here? Give yourself 1 minute to try this one!

Can you find the hidden tiger in this image?

Do you see the hidden tiger…. keep looking!!! It is in there. 🙂

Thanks to for such a neat activity idea!


A Wonderful Start to the Year!

Wow! What a great start to our year.  I was so excited to meet all of my new friends.  Each and every one is bright and kind and they all  seem like hard workers!  I couldn’t ask for anything better!

In just three days we have covered so much information that is necessary to make our class run smoothly as the year progresses.  In between all of the procedures and expectations, we have already done some very fun projects!

We created a construction paper collage of ourselves to hang for open house. These turned out so awesome!  I took pictures of each student with their creation, but I will need to wait until we know who can and can not be photographed before I can post those photos here.  We then did some brainstorming and write a paragraph about ourselves.  I was very impressed with the students’ knowledge of topic sentences and closing sentences and details!

We also read the book “A House for Hermit Crab”. hermitWe compared the hermit crab’s shell to our writing composition books. The books are a home for a writing , just as his shell is a home for himself. He wanted to personalize and make his shell special because he had to live in it, and we wanted to personalize and make our books special because our writing will live in it.  Many students remembered to bring in stickers or construction paper or photos. Thanks parents for your support in this!

Overall , we are off to a fantastic start!  I can’t wait to get the student blogs up and running and start them on their journey.


What a Fantastic Last Day!

We certainly had an event filled last day of 3rd grade! Here are the pictures Ms. Longville took while we were outside signing shirts. We look good! I will certainly miss my friends from this year, but I feel so confident that they are going forward to do great things. Have a wonderful summer and check back on the blog to chat!





Identify and Explaining the Theme

This week we have begun talking about THEME! Being able to identify and explain the theme of a text is a challenging skill. The students did a wonderful job today learning that a theme:

* Is THE MEssage of the story
* Is a big, overarching idea
* Usually has to be inferred
* Can usually be found by asking ourselves, “What did the main character learn?”
* Is different from a topic (which is specific to a certain book/story)
* That there can be MANY themes in a story, and we have to identify the most important

We discussed some books that we have done as read-alouds. The students came up with these themes right away!

Maniac Magee’s theme is ACCEPTANCE

The Penderwick’s theme is FRIENDSHIP

Call It Courage’s theme is… you guess it! COURAGE!

Check out this video on LearnZillion to help you understand theme:

Your assignment is to read the following three stories by clicking on each link. After you read the story, turn the page and answer the following questions. Were you able to identify the theme?

On your own blog, (1) choose one story you read and (2) explain what the theme was and (3)why you think that is the theme. Good luck!

The Wise Choice:

The High Dive

Knocked Down


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