Mrs. Campagna's Class

A mind is like a parachute, it only works when open. -Frank Zappa

Perimeter and Area

on March 10, 2015

Starting last week, the students  have been introduced to the idea of measuring to find the perimeter and the area of shapes and objects.  One of the first things I do every year is teach my students a song to go with each. We sing these songs over and over again because they help so much!  I have had many students say that years later they were still singing those songs when they needed to find the perimeter or the area of an object.  Tomorrow the students will be creating some art while also finding the perimeter and area of their artwork! I will post some pictures of what are sure to be beautiful works of art tomorrow. In the mean time, below are the videos of the students singing both the perimeter and area song. I will add these to the “Math” tab so that they will be easier to find for future use.  



Perimeter is the measurement around the outside of a shape. 

peri= around     meter= measure

Area is the measurement within the shape. This is always measured in square units! 



4 Responses to “Perimeter and Area”

  1. Hamsika says:

    Dear Mrs.Campagna,
    I love the video. My mommy and daddy loved the video.


  2. saml2012 says:

    Dear Mrs.Campagna

    I loved the video and for the carnival when you bring the thing for the t shirt do you have to bring in the money.


  3. Kelly Strang says:

    I remember!! We have been learning area and perimeter and Connor, Aashish and me sang that song to my math teacher Mrs. Ediam. She loved it!! Enjoy class! Its fun!

  4. Ian white says:

    omg i remember that song

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