Mrs. Campagna's Class

A mind is like a parachute, it only works when open. -Frank Zappa

Just Right Books

on August 26, 2013

Welcome Back!
Today was our fifth day of school and we already have learned so much! Our class is wonderful this year and I can’t wait for all the learning that will take place. Today we learned about “Just Right Books” . We read “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and talked about how only the one chair, bowl of porridge, and bed were just right for Goldilocks, just like how some books may be just right for you, but not for your best friend. We also talked about how when we go shopping, we only want to shop for just right clothes, not clothes that fit our guinea pig, or our grandpa!! That is so silly! We would never do that! So why would we want to read books that weren’t just right for us?

Kelly is showing us what it looks like when we shop for clothes that are like "too easy" books. That doesn't fit you, Kelly!!!

Kelly is showing us what it looks like when we shop for clothes that are like “too easy” books. That doesn’t fit you, Kelly!!!

Ava is modeling a shirt that fits JUST RIGHT! Way to go , Ava!

Ava is modeling a shirt that fits JUST RIGHT! Way to go , Ava!

kylee just right

We had so much fun learning about JUST RIGHT BOOKS. I hope that our whole class will be thinking about whether the books they are choosing are just right for them.

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